
- Books &
- Page 2
- Celtic Tradition

The articles and postings contained on this web site are based
on personal experience, formal classes and many wonderful resources.
Here we attempt to share the sources of our research.
A few books in this list are out of print. But don't discount
their value. There are many 2nd hand or Old Book bookstores in
many areas that specialize in out of print or out of stock books.
There are many "old" books that have been re-issued
under new publishers. Where possible, these books are listed
to reflect these new releases, publishers and publish dates.
You might also like to see a list of recommended reading on
my Amazon
Listmania book list. Here you'll be able to see excerpts
of these and other books I recommend, read reviews from others
and even purchase the books from Amazon. |
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- At the bottom of the articles on PagansPath, you'll find
links to resources used to write that article. A resource labeled
c11 will indicate the books is in the Celtic Tradition resource
list, and is book 11 within that list. Resource 1, indicates
that some information contained in the article is based on my
own study and research.
- Lady SpringWolf
- Formal Education
- Family Teachings
- Life Experiences
- Research & Study
~ Celtic Tradition ~
- Celtic Heritage
Alwyn Rees & Brinley Rees
Thames & Hudson, 1989
- A Guide To Early Irish Law
Fergus Kelly
Out Of Print
- The Oxford Book Of Scottish Verse
John MacQueen & Thomas Scott
Oxford University Press, 1966
- Celtic Myth & Legend
Mike Dixon-Kennedy
Cassel Imprint, 1996
- Sacred Symbols - The Celts
Thames and Hudson
Thames and Hudson, 1989
- Stones Of Time
- A study of Celtic Rune Symbology -
Martin Brennan
Inner Traditions, 1995
- Britanica Anthropology, The Celts
Britanica Encyclopedias
Britanica Publishing, 1979
- Encyclopedia Of Celtic Wisdom
Caitlín & John Matthews
Element Books, 1994
- The Celtic Book Of Days
Caitlín Matthews
Destiny Books, 1995
- The Celtic Book Of The Dead
Caitlín Matthews
Martins Press, 1992
- The Celtic Shaman
John Matthews
Element Books, 1991
- The Celtic Druids' Year
John King
Cassell Imprint, 1994
- The Celtic Empire: The First Millennium
of Celtic History
Peter Berresford Ellis
Carolina Academic Pr, 1991
- Celtic Myth & Magick
Edain McCoy
Llewellyn Publications, 1996
- Glamoury: Magic of the Celtic Green World
Steve Blamires
Llewellyn Publications, 1998
- Haunts, Witches, and Boogers :
Tales from Upper East Tennessee
Charles Edwin Price, Richard Blaustein
John F Blair Publications, 1992
- Tennessee Folk Culture: an Annotated Bibliography
Eleanor E. Goehring
Academic Press, 1942
- America's First Western Frontier : East
Brenda C. Calloway
The Overmountain Press, 1982
- The Sacred World Of The Celts
Nigel Pennick
Inner Traditions International, 1997
- Celtic Myths and Legends
T.W. Rolleston
Dover Publishing, 1990
- The Mabinogion
Gwyn Jones and Thomas Jones
Orion House, 2000
- The Mabinogion - Unabridged
Lady Charlotte Guest
Dover Publishing, 1997
- Women of the Celts
Jean Markale
Inner Traditions International, 1986
- The Encyclopedia Of Celtic Wisdom
Catlin and John Matthews
Element Publishing, 1994
- Druids, Gods & Heroes
Anne Ross
Peter Bedrick Books, 1994
- Advanced Celtic Shamanism
D.J. Conway
Crossing Press, 2000
- Fire In The Head
Tom Cowan
HarperSanFrancisco, 1993
- The Ogham Stones
Dorothy Elizabeth Crowder
Dobson , 1975
- The Ogham Stone: An Anthology of Contemporary
Gerald Dawe, Michael Mulreany
# Institute of Public Administration, 2001
- Ogham: An Irish Alphabet
Cristoir M. Fhearaigh, Tim Stampton
Hippocrene Books, 1998
- DeDanaan
Resources for Celtic Studies.
- Celtic Astrology
by Helena Paterson
- The Celtic Tradition
by Caitlin Matthews
- A Druid's Herbal
by Ellen Evert Hopman
- The Book of Druidry
by Ross Nichols
- Glamoury - Magic of the Celtic Green World
by Steve Blamires